
Biology : Concepts and Investigations
定價(NTD) :1,200
售價(NTD) :1,200


Unit1 The Cellular Basis of Life
1. The Scientific Study of Life 2
2. The Chemistry of Life 20
3. Cells 48
4. The Energy of Life 78
5. Photosynthesis 100
6. How Cells Release Energy 118

Unit2 The Molecular Basis of Life
7. DNA Structure and Replication 136
8. The Cell Cycle 154
9. Sexual Reproduction and Meiosis 174
10. Patterns of Inheritance 194
11. Chromosomes and Human Inheritance Patterns 214
12. Gene Function, Gene Regulation, and Biotechnology 234

Unit3 The Evolution of Life
13. The Forces of Evolutionary Change 262
14. Speciation and Extinction 286
15. Evidence of Evolution 306
16. The Origin and History of Life 330

Unit4 The Diversity of Life
17. Viruses 354
18. Bacteria and Archaea 370
19. Protista 388
20. Plants 408
21. Fungi 428
22. Invertebrate Animals 446
23. Vertebrate Animals 476

Unit5 Plant Life
24. Plant Form and Function 498
25. Plant Nutrition and Transport 520
26. Reproduction and Development of Flowering Plants 534

Unit6 Animal Life
27. Animal Tissues and Organ System 558
28. The Nervous System 574
29. The Senses 598
30. The Endocrine System 614
31. The Musculoskeletal System 634
32. The The Circulatory System 654
33. The Respiratory System 674
34. Digestion and Nutrition 690
35. Regulation of Temperature and Body Fluids 710
36. The Immune System 726
37. Human Reproduction and Development 746

Unit7 The Ecology of Life
38. Animal Behavior 772
39. Population Ecology 786
40. Communities and Ecosystems 804
41. Biomes 824
42. Preserving Biodiversity 842

Appendix A: Answers to Multiple Choice Questions A-1
Appendix B: Metric Units and Conversions A-5
Appendix C: Amino Acid Structures A-6
Appendix D: Answers to Genetics Problems A-7

Glossary G-1
Credits C-1
Index I-1