
Brock Biology of Microorganisms
作者:Madigan & Martinko & Stahl & Clark
定價(NTD) :1,550
售價(NTD) :1,550


Unit 1 Principles of Microbiology
ch 1 Microorganisms and Microbiology
ch 2 A Brief Journey to the Microbial World
ch 3 Cell Structure and Function in Bacteria and Archaea

Unit 2 Metabolism and Growth
ch 4 Nutrition, Culture, and Metabollism of Microorganisms
ch 5 Microbial Growth

Unit 3 Molecular Biology and Gene Expression
ch 6 Molecular Biology of Bacteria
ch 7 Archaeal and Eukaryotic Molecular Biology
ch 8 Regulation of Gene Expression

Unit 4 Virology, Genetics, and Genomics
ch 9 Viruses and Virology
ch 10 Genetics of Bacteria and Archaea
ch 11 Genetic Engineering
ch 12 Microbial Genomics

Unit 5 Metabolic Diversity and "Commercial Biocatalyses
ch 13 Phototrophy, Chemolithotrophy, and Major Biosyntheses
ch 14 Catabolilsm of Organic Compounds
ch 15 Commercial Products and Biotechnology

Unit 6 Microbial Evolution and Diversity
ch 16 Microbial Evolution and Systematics
ch 17 Bacteria: The Proteobacteria
ch 18 Other Bacteria
ch 19 Archaea
ch 20 Eukaryotic Cell Biology and Eukaryotic Microorganisms
ch 21 Viral Diversity

Unit 7 Microbial Ecology
ch 22 Methods in Microbial Ecology
ch 23 Major Microbial Habitats and Diversity
ch 24 Nutrient Cycles, Biodegradation, and Bioremediation
ch 25 Microbial Symbioses

Unit 8 Antimicrobial Agents and pathogenicity
ch 26 Microbial Growth Control
ch 27 Micribial Interactions with Humans

Unit 9 Immunology
ch 28 Immunity and Host Defense
ch 29 Immune Mechanisms
ch 30 Molecular Immunology

Unit 10 Diagnosing and Tracking Microbial Diseases
ch 31 Diagnostic Microbiology and Immunology
ch 32 Epidemiology

Unit 11 Human- and Animal-Transmitted Infectious Diseases
ch 33 Person-to-Person Microbial Diseases
ch 34 Vectorborne and Soilborne Microbial Pathogens

Unit 12 Common-Source Infectious Disease
ch 35 Wastewater Treatment, Water Purification and Waterborne Microbial Diseases

ch 36 Food Preservation and Foodborne Microbial Diseases