This book presents Quantum Mechanics as a theory underlying the world around us, from atoms and molecules to materials, lasers, and other application. Its features are (a) emphasis on the key principles with minimal mathematical formalism, (b) use of dimensional analysis and order-of-magnitude estimates to develop intuition, (c) comprehensive overview of quantum chemistry and the electronic structure of solids, (d) extensive discussion of the basic processes of light-matter interactions, and (e) online supplement with advanced theory and multiples-choice quizzes.
Part I Fundamental Principles
ch1: The principles of Wave-Particle Duality: An Overview 3
ch2:The Schrodinger Equation and Its Statistical Interpretation 53
ch3:The Uncertainty Principles 107
Part II Simple Quantum Systems 127
ch4:Square Potentials. I: Discrete Spectrum—Bound States 129
ch5:Square Potentials. II: Continuous Spectrum –Scattering States 149
ch6:The Harmonic Oscillator 167
ch7:The Polynomial Method: Systematic Theory and Applications 191
ch8:The Hydrogen Atom. I: Spherically Symmetric Solutions 207
ch9:The Hydrogen Atom. II: Solutions with Angular Dependence 231
ch10:Atoms in a Magnetic Field and the Emergence of Spin 267
ch11:Identical particles and the Pauli Principle 305
Part III Quantum Mechanics in Action: The Structure of Matter 321
ch12:Atoms: The Periods Table of the Elements 323
ch13:Molecules. I: Elementary Theory of the Chemical Bond 351
ch14:Molecules. II: The Chemistry of Carbon 393
ch15:Solids: Conductors, Semiconductors, Insulators 439
ch16:Matter and Light: The Interaction of Atoms with Electromagnetics Radiation 469
Appendix 519